Just another mama with an obsession with beauty products!

Monday, October 31, 2011

China Glaze Vintage Vixens Collection - Foxy

The Vintage Vixens collection from China Glaze last fall is one of my favorites. In fact, it was one of the first China Glaze Collections I wholeheartedly bought into in quite some time! I just loved the old fashioned feel of the colors, great for not only fall but any season. Foxy is hands down one of my favorite fall colors, however. A burnt red shimmer with a little bit of gold light in it, it just shouts fireplaces and changing leaves to me. It's not quite red, and not all the way coppery-brown either. Somewhere in between, and changing depending on the lights. Want to see more? Keep Reading!

Here's a more distant shot - looks a little more red here than it does in real life.

Up close.  How pretty!

shot shows the more orange, burnt side of the polish.

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